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Our Story


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It all started when my first son Tyler was about four months old. He had horrible reflux as a baby and the spit-up was never ending. We were both constantly covered in spit-up and the doctors said it was just something he would grow out of. At that time my hands started to severely blister under the skin out of nowhere. The doctors diagnosed me with severe dry winter skin, but I knew that could not be the issue because it was only September. I didn't know what else to do, so I dealt with the extreme pain of having to wash my hands after every feeding along with the loads of laundry covered in spit-up. 


With the birth of my second son Brody, who also had awful reflux, it only took about two months before my hands were at their worst. I had to feed him while wearing gloves, which made every feeding unenjoyable. I was very sad and depressed that those moments were no longer something I looked forward to due to the excruciating pain I was in. One day while sitting on the couch burping Brody, a picture of this burp cloth popped into my head and I said, "that's it"! I started working on the idea that night.


Handy Burp'ems® worked perfectly! They protected us both from being covered in constant spit-up. I no longer had to wear gloves, wash spit-up off my hands or do loads of laundry. Eventually, my severe reaction was diagnosed as an allergy to a preservative in his toiletries. Even after the diagnosis, I continued to use Handy Burp'ems® with my daughter Laney because they worked and continued to keep us protected.


Shortly after inventing Handy Burp'ems®, my husband was diagnosed with cancer and unexpectedly passed away four months later due to a blood clot from his chemotherapy.  He was only 34 years old and my high school sweetheart. Our hearts were completely shattered. Our children were little, only seven-, five- and two-years-old. Needless to say, just getting up and living each day with such unimaginable heartbreak was tough enough, I still had two businesses to run so I was able to provide for my family.

My biggest priority was helping my children deal with the grief of losing their dad as I was dealing with my own. He was our world. My husband had a Kiddie Cuts™ hair salon he just opened, and I had my licensed daycare business. I had to put something on hold, and it had to be Handy Burp'ems®.


My husband was my biggest fan. He was the one who pushed me to turn Handy Burp'ems® into a business. He helped me with the paperwork for the patent before he got sick. It was a very emotional and bittersweet moment when I received the patent in the mail after he passed away. He would have been SO proud of me!


I never let my Handy Burp'ems® dream go, and I feel it's time to really share how much these burp cloths have helped me. I know so many are dealing with reflux and spit-up and I want these to help all new parents and caregivers everywhere.


This has been a dim fire inside of me. I want my kids to know that their mom never gave up on her dream and that she never quit. I hope they learn that when you follow your heart AND work hard, anything is possible.   

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